12-1/2 oz pc Myke Chambers Signature
$69.95This Myke Chambers Signature set contains :Yellow Stone, True Gold, California Orange, Red Cross, Mississippi Mud, Rawhide, Seven Seas, Georgia Pine, Green River, Blue Ribbon, Blue Ridge, Zane Grey
Showing 121–124 of 124 resultsSorted by latest
This Myke Chambers Signature set contains :Yellow Stone, True Gold, California Orange, Red Cross, Mississippi Mud, Rawhide, Seven Seas, Georgia Pine, Green River, Blue Ribbon, Blue Ridge, Zane Grey
Get the complete sample pack here, and try out Eternal Colors for yourself. 15 pc of 1/2 oz bottles.
Eternal 1 oz individual bottles
Unlike the many other suppliers of standard style tattoo needles that might sell you a damaged needle,, or even worse , a barbed needle , our staff makes sure that needles are all 100% guaranteed to be un-damaged, and sterile. All needles in each separate unit are inspected for damage before we sell them. These…