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Summary of HIV Prevention and Treatment Training

Regardless of your unique situation, you will learn about HIV prevention strategies in this session, along with the current alternatives for HIV treatment. You’ll also discover some information about how people with the disease can still live long, healthy lives.

First of all, by adopting a few simple preventive measures and making wiser decisions, everyone may lower their chance of contracting HIV.

Prevention Techniques..

Making Use of Condoms

For many, this entails using male and female condoms appropriately and consistently during vaginal and/or anal penetration, as this can help prevent the spread of STDs like HIV. Research indicates that the effectiveness of male latex condoms in preventing HIV and other STIs is at least 85%.

It is crucial to get tested for HIV and STIs and to receive counseling. For those who are exposed to any of the risk factors, it is highly recommended. It’s also highly recommended that people get tested to determine their infection status and promptly use preventive measures.

Tuberculosis Inquiry

About 37 percent of HIV-positive individuals die from tuberculosis (TB), which is also the most prevalent ailment that they present with. If left undiagnosed and untreated, tuberculosis is deadly. Consequently, those deaths can be avoided with the aid of early detection and fast treatment.

Among the signs of TB are:

Experiencing blood in the cough
Chest ache and colds
Loss of weight
Sweats at night
persistent cough
Absence of hunger

Pro Tip #1: HIV care facilities regularly provide TB screening and HIV testing. Anyone who has any suspicions about either should get checked right away.

When diagnosed, people with HIV and active TB should start receiving effective treatment right once, including ART and treatment for multidrug-resistant TB. It’s advisable to pursue TB prophylactic medication for people with HIV who do not already have active TB.


HIV Therapy

HIV treatment entails taking drugs that reduce the growth of the virus in the body. Antiretrovirals (ARVs) are medications used to treat retroviruses, which include the HIV virus.

These medications are always administered in addition to other ARVs. Antiretroviral treatment (ART) is the term used to describe this combo method.

Although there is no cure for HIV, ART can help keep HIV-infected people healthy for many years and dramatically minimize the likelihood of transferring HIV to their partners provided they are taken appropriately and consistently.

These are just a few preventative ways discussed in this video.


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